Driven to Kill Movie Review

A Steven Seagal movie from 2009, Driven to Kill is the story of a man who is forced to seek revenge for violence against his lover, and their daughter. Fortunately, this man happens to be an ex-russian mobster and Steven Seagal. This may sound like a generic action movie plot, but that's simply because that's exactly what it is. However... what q

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Phantasm II Movie Review

The second in the long franchise of Phantasm, Phantasm II ups the budget, the body count and the... sanity? Things were kept on a much shorter leash by Universal Pictures, and the movie as a result is easier to understand. THis is the part where (blog post) you're supposed to say be careful what (blog post) you wish for, isn't it?Source: Phantasm

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Doll Graveyard Movie Review

Another killer doll movie by the grandmaster of schlock, Charles Band, Doll Graveyard is an hour long tale about a small group of dolls attacking a small group of teenagers who happen to be drinking, doing drugs and having sex. It's not exactly an original idea, you could say... but it's not like Charles Band and Full Moon have no experience with

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